Submit Payment for an activity

On occasion, an activity will plan an event that needs to collect a payment from people who participate.
This page is provided to allow you to pay for activities with your credit card or PayPal account.
If you prefer to pay in cash or by check, talk to the person who is arranging the activity for options.

To Pay for an Activity with a Credit/Debit Card

You may pay with your credit or debit card via PayPal, even if you don't have a PayPal account, by clicking on the "Pay Now" button below.

There may be more than one activity listed — please read the list carefully to choose the activity and payment amount that you intend.

Please type your name in the field; it helps us connect your Newcomers membership with your PayPal receipt.

Select the Activity

A note about paying with your credit card

When you are transferred to the PayPal site, you will be given the option of either logging into PayPal or paying with your credit/debit card (the bottom option).

  • If you don’t have a PayPal account, click on the credit/debit card option to be shown a screen where you will “Check out as Guest” by entering your email address. Then “Continue to Payment” where you enter your name, address, phone number and card info so PayPal can process your payment.

  • At the bottom of that screen you can choose to “Save info & create your PayPal account.” If you don’t want to make a permanent account, toggle that off before you submit the screen, and your card will be charged. You will receive a receipt at the email address you entered.